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Popular Children's Clothing Blog in Hayward, Alameda, California

The correct way to deal with the off-season of clothing

The correct way to deal with the off-season of clothing

The correct way to deal with the off-season of clothing

I believe many of my friends know that no matter which industry you are in, there will be off-season and peak-season. Especially in the clothing industry, whether you are preparing to open a brand clothing store, already opening a store, or a veteran, we all need to know the knowledge about the low and high seasons of clothing in a year. Only by knowing ourselves and knowing our enemies can we be victorious in every battle!

The seasonality of clothing is obvious. The peak season for manufacturers is the earliest, the peak season for wholesale is second, and the peak season for retail is the last.

Retail peak and off-season:

Peak season, peak retail season, spring clothing in March and April, summer clothing in May and June, autumn clothing in September and October, and winter clothing from October to the Spring Festival.

The off-season, February, March, April and July, August and September are the weakest times of the year for business. It is very good that the business can maintain the capital or lose a little in these months.

Therefore, friends who are clothing stores must clearly understand the off-season and peak seasons in this industry, and the new and first-time sales of products are often unstable. Generally, under the premise of the season, the best time to observe sales and decide whether to make up the order should be 2 weeks after the launch of the new product, and the value reflected in this time period will become stable and representative.

So how do clothing stores replenish their supplies at different times?

1. Off-season: walk in small steps

The reason why there are low seasons and peak seasons is not because of climate but because of people. People who come to buy clothes on normal days live relatively well-off. The characteristics of these people's shopping are that they can buy what they want. As long as they like it, the off-season is mainly for these people's business. Therefore, it is very important to keep new products on the market every week. Of course, the replenishment should be carefully selected. The sales volume in the off-season declines, and the purchases are relatively reduced; there are new products every week, which is the most fundamental requirement of the clothing business.

2. Peak season: stride meteor

The peak season is the happiest time for clothing store owners. How to deal with the peak season? It can be summed up in four words: "Striding Meteor", the most fearful of shortages in peak seasons, and under the requirement of replenishment frequency at least once a week, it is necessary to increase the amount of replenishment each time; those who come in off-season are afraid of overstocking and do not dare to make up. If you want to buy goods, you will lose a good opportunity to make money; the peak season is when everyone has to do business, and it is also the season when everything can be sold.

3. Season change: go first is faster

Seasonal products are explosive sales. When they are good, they sell a lot in one day. When they are not good, no one wants to reduce the price. When the season changes, I am most afraid of overstocking; if the operation is wrong, the profit in the front is the loss in the back. The classic approach for seasonal items is to stock up two months before the season and drop it two months before the season ends. You will find that on New Year's Day, it is still cold, and some stores have put on sunglasses; on Mid-Autumn Festival, when it is still hot, some stores have put on gloves and scarves.

Clothing people should have a concept of seasons. Most of the sales will not be very good when the seasons change, but the clothing business has off-season practices in off-season and peak seasons in peak seasons. When we are in off-season, we do the following: It can also ensure our normal operation.

1. Encourage old customers to buy

In the off-season of clothing sales, we must pay attention to communication with customers, do a good job of sales and service work for old customers before and after, and maintain them carefully. The loyalty of old customers in the off-season can bring sufficient profits to clothing merchants. At the same time, we will appropriately engage in some off-season promotional activities, actively develop new customers, and continuously expand our sales channels.

2. Recharge the team

When the traffic is low, you can communicate with the staff more and urge the clerk to write down the item number, price, and existing inventory. Finally, for the professional knowledge of clothing fabrics, styles, details of selling points, etc., corresponding training should also be given to the clerk. These jobs can make your store staff behave more professionally at work and leave a professional impression on customers.

3. Incentive policies

Under the condition of low sales volume, the incentive measures for sales staff in the off-season can be increased, such as increasing incentives, encouraging salespeople to take the initiative, selling more goods to enhance the sales enthusiasm of employees, and making employees more in attracting customers and serving customers. power to increase sales. It is also possible to give employees appropriate vacation adjustments so that they can better devote themselves to work later.

Remember that whether it is off-season or peak season, we must grasp some issues that are beneficial to our store sales, in order to attract more attention from customers, thereby increasing our sales. That's all for today's sharing, I hope it helps you!

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